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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

7 Areas

Posted by irfandaud

7 Areas of Constant Growth for an Extraordinary Life

If you’re successful in your business, often you aren’t taking care of your body. If you’re taking care of your body, you may not be spending enough time with your kids. Or if your relationship with your kids is great, maybe your intimate relationship is suffering.

An extraordinary life comes from an unrelenting commitment to constant and never-ending improvement in all seven areas of your life. While all seven areas are important, there is a hierarchy that helps create peak performance and fulfillment. For example, if you don’t focus on health and your body, all the money, career success and contribution in the world will be worthless. You can’t experience an extraordinary quality of life without the vehicle that’s helping create it. Or if you spend time trying to solve your relationship issues and haven’t yet focused on your emotions, you’ll no doubt encounter problems.

Similarly, you must determine how you focus and spend your time in order to create a successful career. Once you’ve discovered how to add value in your work/career/mission, you can create a plan to grow your wealth. Spiritual growth and your capacity to celebrate and contribute is at the top of the pyramid because it’s the most opportune time to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Never spend more than 10% of your time on problems, and spend at least 90% of your time on solutions.

-Tony Robbins


Ahmed Asghar said...

My comment is related to the last quotation..if you spend 10% of ur time identifying problems and the rest on finding solutions....then when are we supposed to actually implement our problem solving techniques???

irfandaud said...

Find solution for what ?

Should have a clear and compelling vision .

What will you do if you face problem .

let the problem to be the solution or find a solution for the problem ?

what will you implement , if have nothing in mind to resolve the issue ?

When you come up with the right solution go for it

waiting for what ?

Mughees said...

@ Ahmed
Firstly the quote says "90% of the time on the solutions" not finding the solutions. This would mean that the implementation is included in this 90% time slot as well. Thats what I think.

Joel Peter said...
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Abdullah Bodla said...

The quote actually tells that good managers come with the solutions not problems.

Ahmed Asghar said...

yes i know what the quotation means..what i wanted to emphasis was the fact that all of our time should not be spent on thinking about solutions but implementing those ideas should be given importance as well.

Hammad Saeed said...

Ahmed do you believe that implementing something without thinking is a good option..

Before implementation, the main concept idea generation is important.. first you need to spend sometime thinking of something. Only after a positive thinking you can go to screening than for implementation.

I think the quote says, focus is more on implementation than finding the root cause which is itself contradictory.

How can we correct something unless we dont know what is our problem?

Recalling circle of concern or circle of influence, there should be a 50-50 % for both. Things falling in your circle of concern will be your problem statement and things falling in your circle of influence is a solution to it.

It says little about proactivity as well that claiming conditions is not an option, finding ways to improve yourself and correcting your behaviour is what really required

Hammad Saeed said...

For everything there should be a systematic approach.. jumping directly to conclusion and trying to be agressive is not what a good business practice told us.

If you have well arranged set up of goals, have a clear planning than implementation automatically comes.

Asim said...

the thing is that we must work on both sides of the coin i.e. we must work out our areas of concern so as to minimize them AND we should even work more on strengthening our influential areas because these areas can really uplift us in any industry. Actually our areas of concerns are most of the time our weakness and in this competitive world, you can't let people enjoy on your weaknesses. This will really put your progress down as an individual and the company in which you are working as a whole.

Zary Aftab said...

Great.. Once you have found the problem you then set out to find solutions, having chosen the best solution you then implement it(the most important part).

Sounds simple! But I doubt this "implementation automatically comes" part. Implementation is an act, it never comes out automatically unless we, consciously, drive ourselves in the direction of right solution.

Hammad Saeed said...

Defending my point.. i Mean when we have a complete setup well in place and following a sequential approach than implementation automatically comes.. Means at that point, there is no ambiguity left. You have arranged yourself in such a way that you can implement what you work for.

adil khan said...

my comment is regarding 7 areas: i think in order to enjoy all 7 areas properly , we should try to maintain a balance in between them. as we know that the concept of "aitadal" means balanced life; its difficult to follow but this is truly a key to happy and contented life.

hira said...

I think the issue is not only the time but the effective use of time.One can spend less or more than 10% of time on problems.It depends on the nature of problem that how much time it will consume.It depends on a person that how he/she manages to use time in analyzing problem and finding solution.

Salman Arshad khan said...

adil is cent percent right regarding 7 areas. there have to be balance between them. unbalance resulted in extremism or completely misguide from your goals. One thing thats need to be added is Faith on our abilities and on Allah as without faith its impossible to achieve any thing.

irfandaud said...

Discover the leader in you, even when uncertainty surfaces : )

Joel Peter said...

@ adil you are right that there should balance among all 7 areas but there is a hierarchy also..Priority must be given those areas that make the base of pyramid..

hira said...

agree!just like there are some basic requirements to make a base of building and then you can construct it in your own way!

Awais said...

Everyone is motivated by needs.So, I think these 7 areas are like the Maslow's Hierarchy of needs.As people progress up the pyramid,their needs get increased.

Adil Nasim said...

@ everyone (commenting last qoute) Risk Management works in this scenario instead of wasting time, plan everything before its happening

Mughees said...

Doesnt Maslow's hierarchy say that as a person reaches upwards in the pyramid, his'\her needs decline or at least become stable? Because the last stage is self actualization. That is where a person starts "giving" to others. That means that he\she has become saturated by that time.

Zary Aftab said...

Commented above "As people progress up the pyramid,their needs get increased." (Maslow's Hierarchy of needs)

I think needs do not get increased, they actually get fulfilled and then you move up the hierarchy.. After need fulfillment your "wants" come into play as you move upward. First, you strive to fulfill needs and upon their fulfillment you strive for wants. So, wants gets increased not "needs".

Its human nature to name their wants as needs, which becomes one of the factors that bring lack of satisfaction in life. This perception can move a person in two directions. One, it can incite the inner drive to get them fulfilled, that is inner motivation. Second, it can bring unsatisfaction and inferiority complex of not having them.

Muhammad Abdul Rehman said...
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Muhammad Abdul Rehman said...

Zary Human life is not only about needs and wants, according to Maslow when you reach a self actualization you work for the general welfare of the society.

Aamir Siddique said...

Every person has his or her own preferences in life. It depends upon the nature of person how he wants to spend his life. secondly many of you are thinking about balance but if you see around yourself life is somewhat different from bookish things. To spend a balanced life is great but sometimes the situation drives you through other way round so think practically

Zary Aftab said...
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Zary Aftab said...

Abdul Rehman what do you think self actualization is? Doesn't it the include want to do something for others as well?

You need to have clear distinction between what we call "need" and "want". "Want" is not just self-centered capacity, it can include variety of other capacities and human service too, of course.

Here read this note about Maslow's Self-Actualization:

"the desire for self-fulfillment, namely the tendency for an individual to become actualized in what he is potentially. This tendency might be phrased as the desire to become more and more what one is, to become everything that one is capable of becoming."[2] Maslow used the term self-actualization to describe a desire, not a driving force, that could lead to realizing one's capabilities. Maslow did not feel that self-actualization determined one's life; rather, he felt that it gave the individual a desire, or motivation to achieve ambitions"

"a desire" means "a want".

Joel Peter said...

@ Zary
agree! Carrying forward... it's the decision of person how to perceive a particular situation? Here pro activeness comes into play....

Muhammad Zubair said...

If we keep on thinking about problems only, we will be demotivated more and more. Thinking about solutions helps us see what can we do about the problem. If you think about solution too, only then you can think of implementation too.

jazzy said...

if u smell what the rock is cooking... It means that the problem was to make food and a cook... But there is a solution that the problem was solved by the artificial person mr. Rock who is smelling happily that the problem has been solved...

wajid bhatti said...

every problem has a viable solution to it. Sometimes over thinking also becomes critical.. So, u need the eye to choose the appropriate solution for the right problem and the right direction to set the course.

hira said...

To have a balnced life is not a bookish thing.It is the way how a man leads a healthy life.whatever the situation is,it depends on the person how he deals with it.God has blessed Human with capablities so he can overcome any situation and make his way out of it.well,here i am assuming the person is proactive not the reative one :)

hira said...

sorry!i mean to say reactive*

Zary Aftab said...

Most important principle to lead a balanced life is to spend equitable time on every area of life and not ignoring any of it. Because if you suffer a problem in one area other area might help to minimize or eliminate it. Here, to be successful, use of proactiveness can be a buffer.

For example, you have a balanced life and you spend reasonable time in all areas of your life. And, you suffer a problem in Job, then, you wife can be helpful getting out of a problem. Also, your friends or your children can too come up with a solution, at least they won't become a part of problem. Means if you were not at good terms with them, in the time of job problem (that needs you more time and concentration) they will be complaining of your ignorance towards them.

farooq said...

time management is an important factor which is to be considered that changes you as a whole because one who learnt how to manage time like every hour and minute by experiencing various situations of your life this thing lead you to have a moderate and balanced life in each area that has been discussed. i also think that always concentrate on solutions instead of just discussing problems because we should keep in mind that how to get things done! finally i would like to say that excess of every thing is bad so always make sure that you are spending your time appropriately

jazzy said...

jab problem ho gaye hai to us k baray mai ziyada sochnay ki kia zaroorat hai... just try to find the practical solution rather than thinking abt the prblm again and again.

there is a saying "it is useless to cry over spilt milk"

Mughees said...

If its useless to cry over spilled milk, then you are indirectly saying that its useless to solve the problem because what is done is already done. Thinking about the problem again and again can help because you might come up with a better and more efficient solution for the problem.

ammar said...

balance in all the seven things is important. as we read maslow's theory. step by step you move on and then you reach to that point which is the ultimate success for that individual.
first identify the problem and then go out for its solution.

irfandaud said...

Maslow's Hierarchy of needs just determine about different type of needs only . It doesnot determine how to achieve them and its different aspect.

Here is the purpose to motivate you and let you know that you have to create balance in yours life and give importance to every area of yours life.

Every person has some needs but every person is not motivated by needs.

That is the difference between successful and not successful people.

Mughees said...

@ Ammar
Somehow I think that balance between all the seven steps of the pyramid isnt important. Consider the first step. It is physical needs. The fifth step is work/career. Does that mean you would rather spend the same amount of time on eating or sleeping that you do on your studies? If you study five hours a day, will you actually eat five hours a day to maintain a balance in both the steps?

Abdullah Bodla said...

I think we should focus to satisfy all those needs because as human beings it is vital that we learn to identify and create balance points in our life in order to contribute to our own state of harmony as well as the harmony of other living beings around us

farhan ahmad said...

In my Opinion Ammar is right that a balance should be maintained in between these seven things, as they are interrelating to each other. for example if you are weak in finance then your health would suffer as well as if u are facing problems in relationships then both your time and health gets suffered. So each carries its own importance and a particular thing can not be given the top priority.