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Sunday, March 28, 2010


Posted by Faiqa Javed

Can a firm's Marketing & Advertising + R&D efforts be regarded as its Core Competency?


Abdullah Bodla said...

The firm's marketing plus R&D efforts alone can not be regarded as its core comptence until and unless they are recognised as profitable and proved to be effective for the firm towards achieving its goals.

Anum Rehman said...

Core competences are defined as,

Cluster of extraordinary abilities or related 'excellences' that a firm acquires from its founders, after consistent striving over the years, and which cannot be easily imitated. Core competencies are what give a firm one or more competitive advantages, in creating and delivering value to its customers in its chosen field. Also called core capabilities or distinctive competencies.

Now taking about R&D, take Apple as an example, R&D is one thing that sets them apart to some extent; thus, its their core competence.
If something sets them apart from the rest of the crowd; either it be advertising or R&D; in my opinion it can be a core competence.

Submit499 said...

That's a lot to put in a core competency I'd say.


farooq said...

yes of course

Anonymous said...

They can not be core competence but obviously thay can help the company to set out a core competence.