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Saturday, March 6, 2010


Posted by Aamir Siddique


All of us know that Time management in every aspect of life carries key importance and effective managers specially manage their time efficiently similarly I have read a time management theory and want to know your views.

The  theory states that take a jar and then put some large rocks in it. Put in as many as you possibly can. when it’s full   put a couple more in anyway. Now you’ve got a full pickle jar that you can’t fit anything else into, right? Now, put some pebbles in. Put as many in as you can possibly fit. Now, take your full jar and take sand and fill that jar until you can’t possibly fit anymore in, and then add some water.

Similarly  each of us has many large priorities in our life, represented by the large rocks. We also have things which we enjoy doing, such as the pebbles. We have other things we have to do, like the sand. And finally, we have things that simply clutter up our lives and get in everywhere: water.None of these are bad things. After all, we need the gamut of these objects—from large priorities to times of rest—in order to feel truly fulfilled. No Time Management theory should be without balance, and the Pickle Jar theory is all about balance. You make time for everything, and everything simply fits well where it is supposed to fit.

According to your point of view how effective this theory is in reality in our lives?

What do you suggest about it?


Adil Nasim said...

Yes Aamir, Time Management is very important. basically time management is to set the priorities and start working on them and if you will do it in a wrong way without setting priorities you will definitely mess up with that

Mughees said...

I believe that time is like a rubber band. You can stretch it to quite a lot of extent. You can also perform multiple tasks at once. It all depends on keeping your mind frame steady and work in the right direction.

Hammad Saeed said...

Life is full of tradeoffs. You have to priortize your routine activities and scale them accordingly.

What is most important to you and What is least important to you? As jar example is suggesting to us. There is always a room for more work, if you manage your work effectively. And good management is all about how effectively to fill a gap of your life.

Hammad Saeed said...
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Syed Ali Raza said...

@ Mughees i agree with you. You can do multiple task at once.By doing this you can save ur precious time. For examople i m working with my father and i work as a visa consultant. and some of time i perform multiple task to save my time. such as i can send visa applicant form to syrian ambassador and at the same time i search assignment material
just becoz to save my time.
Time is a precious thing and only those person succeed whose fully benfit from that time/

Awais said...

Agree with Adil, in Time Management we have to set priorities and get over our internal barriers to achieve our goals.

Awais said...

I think Time management can reduce frustration, give peace of mind and improve the quality of life.

hira said...

as we all know that


ofcourse! none of us wants to waste his money!!
The common factor which i have analyzed in the life of successful persons is the proper utilization of time.Moreover,this theory doesnt include any scientific aspect which we cant understand.Time management starts from a simple home task and goes to a corporate level.

adil khan said...

i think proper scheduling should be done in order to utilize our time completely and effectively.
by scheduling i mean that we should set our goals and our priorities then decide that how can we manage to achieve them in available time
we should also identify thing which are complete wastage of our time or which are barriers to proper utilization of time efficiently(i mean our habits like watching TV for hours). once we identify these barriers,now the tough task start which i to avoid them; for this purpose we need strong will power and determination.

Moazzam Ali Zia said...

Rightly said, without organization in accordance with respective priorities, time cannot be managed. what I would like to know is that; are there any tools of practice available regarding time management? I mean any set of methods that aid the purpose after organization?

Asim said...

Yes Moazam there are techniques to be followed. Dr. ZIQ emphasized a lot in learning the time management skills because it results in organizational effectiveness as a whole. for further details follow

People in the west today are successful because they have managed their time according to the circumstances and they achieved excellence in their respective fields

farooq said...

it reminds me about the the concept of trade off like whatever we do means any task,we always compromise for something else so this is the point where we have to take an active decision about how both tasks or number of tasks can be accomplished efficiently and effectively in time

Zary Aftab said...

Time management skill is something that we all need to have, as students, as professionals and as humans. As, we enter into more competitive world, there are more activities to be done and less time to do, so to manage yourself efficiently and effectively we need to manage our time, and many of us have hard time facing and learning this.

Here are some time management tips that would certainly help all of us to better utilize our time.

aneeq said...

Managing ur time to have effiicinet performance and increased productivity is a key to any business........So we l have to pay "attention"

aneeq said...

Managing ur time to have effiicinet performance and increased productivity is a key to any business........So we l have to pay "attention"

Anonymous said...

hnmmm...quite right!!!

i think, the most important thing is that how we figure out our preorities...???
our preorities should be there according to their importance,then time mangement decesion comes.

fida ali said...

I have a different thinking of time management. Most people will always be crying saying that,"we don't have time". But i think that we have time enough for what we want to do. It means that you don't have to do so many things at one time. The MOST important thing in this regard is,PRIORITIZING and LIMITING!If you are able to do this, you would never blame short timing.

faraz ahmad said...

ineffective time management has always been my biggest problem. unfortunately this hypothetical theory talks about all the stones and pebbles and sand, but doesn't tell anything about how to manage time.

zary thanx for sharing these tips will look at them!