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Saturday, March 13, 2010


Posted by Abdullah Bodla

Candor is the meachanism of flow of information,conversations and sharing of knowledge among all organizational members.When the organizations successfully incorporate the culture of condor,then they not only operate better and fater but they also outshine others in whatever industry inwhich they operate.
This idea was originated by Jack Welch,the former CEO of General Electric who encouraged employees contribution and information sharing by including it in employee appraisal programs.


M Umer Toor said...

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Fawad Aftab said...

@ Hammad
"A good way to manage introverts is giving them information in writing, because they will appreciate it." well i doubt that. By this method introvert employees may feel that they lack something or they may feel that they are slow or something.In short, they may feel inferior as compare to extrovert employees.
"Try not to let the extroverts be the main characters when it comes to team meetings."
No matter what you do, you just can't stop extroverts not being main characters when it comes to team meeting.Extroverts are built to be this way.

Abdullah Bodla said...

oh yess,I made a mistake here.I should had acknowledged Mr. Jach Welch ,the former CEO of General Electric who was actually the originator of this idea.During his tenure,he encouraged quality conversations and debates among the employees which finally tunred out in the shape of new creative ideas and helped the management by providing healthy input which improved the decision making process of the organization.

Fawad Aftab said...

i agree with you but give me one example of how can you create this culture in our class of business strategy?

Abdullah Bodla said...

@ Fawad
Excellent Question.....
Candor does exist in our class in very effective way.Indeed our business strategy class is the practical example of this concept.In our class everyone wants to show hands and take part in class participation.In other words,every group is providing an input in generating new ideas and providing new business solutions as we observe in presentations and Sir Manan evaluate us by providing feeback at the same time.Generation of new ideas,sharing of knowledge, occur in almost every session and this is what candor is all about.
The reason why candor exist in business strategy class is that every student is supposed to be evaluated on the basis of the input he provides in this class.In other words, you will be awarded i.e. get an A if you provide quality input and promote candor in the class.So everyone wants to participate and speak up in this class and don't want to remain silent.
If such culture is promoted at the university level i.e. the students are rewarded for their innovative ideas,then creativity and the sense of responisbility will arise......

faraz ahmad said...

@ ali. i like your post. definitely the active speakers cannot be stopped from being the main participators in the meetings, but people who don't speak much should also be encouraged to speak in the discussions otherwise the company may miss on some really good point that an introvert has to offer, but is reluctant to say.
by the way i also believe that anyone who is an introvert should try his level best to speak up because one cannot be successful in the business world without speaking up and sharing their ideas and our strategy class is a good platform for students to develop this speaking habit and build confidence that will help them in future.

farooq said...

@faraz! yes of course u r absolutely right!

farooq said...

providing and sharing information and ideas among each other within any organization is substantial to succeed and this thing should be encouraged always by top management that is also essential for transparency issues!

Abdullah Bodla said...

@ Faraz
I am 100% agree with you....
but we should further promote this culture through sharing information,encouraging, motivating and helping one another to become a responsible and proactive person by building his/her personality.