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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I am confused about Activity System

Posted by Faiqa Javed

Guys can anyone please explain what an activity system actually is. I am confused about it didnt get much from notes and internet.If no one from class can explain then Sir can you plz explain.


AwakEning said...

well so far no one has been able to figure it out ....

Aamir Siddique said...

Activity system is a flow chart of company's main strategies supported with sub categories showing the differentiation of the company with competitors. Activity system of any company describes the situation of strategy the company is adopting.

Zary Aftab said...

Check this out.. It has helped me, it might do for you as well.

Adil Nasim said...

Same here Irfan

Hammad Saeed said...

it is your main strategies.. but to implement these strategies.. whole activity system is designed. Like when a company talks about lowering manufacturing cost. There is a set of activities that company needs to perform in order to implement it. like In house Manufacturing, operational excellence. 100 % suppliers access things like that

aneeq said...

well first u need to take the most common actvities performed by ur company n then following these activities u come up with the sub activities,functions or after affets which come out as a conclusion of performing those main activities.......

Moazzam Ali Zia said...

Amir is quite right and I agree to him but here are my points;

- These are set of activities which represent company's strategy

- First, there are main sets, linked to each other as a "cause and effect" and then each one has sub sets as a "consequence"

- These activities also highlight, if applicable, "the straddling position"

I hope that I am not wrong...

Faiqa Javed said...

Zary I visited the link u posted and find it pretty useful. Thanks a lot everyone.

Muhammad Abdul Rehman said...
I Think this link describes it very well

Submit499 said...

PIck any company Faiqa. You will notice that they have a set of activities that they perform as part of their day to day operations. Now put each of these activities in a circle. Next draw a line between related activity circles. And behold you have an activity system.

Please let me know in class if this explanation worked for you. Also, i'm curious...honestly: did you do your reading?


Submit499 said...

And who is "awakening"? Please use your real name.