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Saturday, March 13, 2010

Structural Analysis Applied to my School

Posted by M Umer Toor

Yes, I'm working with my father and uncle on a school back in Sargodha that targets, initially 2 unions of villages, in which we are getting along for past 100 years. So. All i want to say as an introduction to it is that it's not going to be just another school.

We hope to have at least 10 hundred teachers as visiting faculty of our school and 65 PhDs on advisory council,
from FC alone. You all are given life-time honorary membership of school, and royal hospitality would be given to you on your visit to KBPSC, the school.


We have applied structural analysis in a very flexible way to the school and its in raw form for you to scrutinize it!
  1. Threats of Entry: There is no threat! Why? Because we are following the 'buying and selling' model: We sell/share our competitive advantages with those schools below us (e.g., teacher training, course/curriculum sharing) ; and, we collaborate/become clients of those who ahead of us. In this way, nobody wastes time on competing, but each party is cooperating with spirits of brother/sisterhood.
  2. Rivalry: Same as point 1. There's always rivalry between competing parties, and business students never loose sight of it. But we here want to. Nonetheless, we need to approach it from different angles of vision. Firstly, we're not doing this business just for buying and selling, for attracting greater number of pupils, to dull them ever greatly. Knowledge and wisdom are worth the effort, just like earning sustenance and surviving the administration of FCC. Secondly, we're not going to behave like wolves who are constantly seeking to snatch away the market share. Yet. I don't deny the fact that one of the basic motives of this school is profit. Dr. Murphy has counseled us on it by sharing the experience of public schooling back in America, which has shown that profit-motive is a force that drives up quality, performance - a key to 100% learning for the 100%. Take for example one pay model under consideration: equal fixed pay + performance-based pay, equal fixed pay for everyone, increase as per performance (for which we need measurement tools to measure performance,).
  3. Substitutes to education: First. Although there's going to be no formal academic education for kids below 7, we need to marry play/activity-based learning with academic stuff for over-excited, disinterested pupils. For this, we can deliver following substitutes pupil choose against going to school, in our school: Traveling, sports, technical education, individual mentoring, etc.
  4. Bargaining Power of Customers: Parents and children, and often local media, as well, have real bargaining power. All we need is to tailor whole of our program by knowing the needs and demands of the children's parents. Else, there's nothing terrifying involved as "bargaining power" in this "drama". Parents have edge over a new school like ours, as they can switch any time to any other school on/in the street, since the market is pretty saturated. Our idea is to make them so addicted to our quality, helped by constant research at built-in R&D Complex at KBPSC, so that no matter how much we charge, they are staying with us.
  5. Bargaining power of Suppliers: We don't know what is that. Except that teachers are the only most dynamic and powerful form of dry suppliers. What strategies should be devised to tackle that in a most human and noble, artistic way, is a challenge for you and us.
  6. "Element of Heart": We take this business as a Prophetic example of teaching. 'So 100% ethics involved'.
Now, maidan (arena) is open for you. We certainly have missed many points, with insufficient examples... :)


Moazzam Ali Zia said...

In point number 4 i.e, Bargaining power of customers, you have said that; "Our idea is to make them so addicted to our quality, helped by constant research at built-in R&D Complex at KBPSC, so that no matter how much we charge, they are staying with us". My question to you is that do you know what is the average income level of the people in Sargodha? have you done some working on that?

Fawad Aftab said...

profits and brotherhood don't go well together.
Hiring 10 hundred visiting facility and 65 PhDs will swell operating cost reaching break even cost will be difficult as target market is 2 unions of villages.

M Umer Toor said...

@ Moazzam ALi Zia,

Good question.
We are doing a survey, i fear we'll have to wait for the result.

Nonetheless, this might be helpful: We started out this project to target people who pay 1100-1500 just for van fee, no matter what is the fee of the school (500-2000 Rs) we're going to charge 2000.

M Umer Toor said...


Who is hiring the visiting faculty?! Either they gift their time or we set up tourism industry to invite sir mannan after this exhaustive 6 month semester to spend time with his wife in pure, desi, natural environment to take pleasure from our royal hospitality! And pay us as well, only on the condition of training our employees/teachers for 1-2 hours...

Faiqa Javed said...

Can students work as volunteer teachers there I mean as SOS Vilages for childern encourages students to teach their childern voluntarily inorder to have internship credits through service of mankind.

Fawad Aftab said...

So you will have 10 hundred visiting faculty members like this..

M. Umer Toor said...

@ Faiqa,

Yes, yes, yes! We more than welcome it.

fida ali said...

For a school, 65 Phds are much more i think. And, it must be kept in mind that even in non-profit organizations you have to work hard as you are competing with some one.

Abdullah Bodla said...

This project is very very good and this "market" is open for all the graduates like us to contribute for better children education.
To make this project successful... that we all want, you have to take strategic steps.I think you should visit education departments of reputed universities to get good ideas and in turn providing them with opportunities of social service in terms of volunteer internships as Faiqa mentioned. Moreover you should be in contact with the NGO'S already working on children education.You know after the issue of child labour in Pakistan, many NGO'S for children education activated in the country.You should become partner with them for social service in providing quality education at a competitive price.By doing so, it will have two fold effect.
1. You will be able to provide extraordinary educational facilities at affordable prices to you town- social services.
2. You will become a bridge between NGOs and colleges which will help you to succees in the long run.

M Umer Toor said...

@ Abdullah Bodla

That's really new insight you gave... It'll be incorporated, and insha Allah we'd do that.

Haider said...

first of all, how many teachers on your roster will be on a fixed salary? and secondly, what if the teachers who are "volunteering" to teach at your school, aren't anymore interested to do that any longer?

Muhammad Abdul Rehman said...

@Umer Toor You are thinking to invest much than it is actually required. Investing this much won't do any good to your profits because the paying capacity of people for education services is not that much.So please keep in mind your customer profile before investing.

irfandaud said...

In business, profit and brotherhood are not good companion

M Umer Toor said...

@ Haider,

Very good question. We definitely are going to have an established logical system. Every official teacher is on fixed salary. We cannot afford to have visiting faculty running school. That's not what we mean by visiting faculty, though; for us, VF would be more of mentor-ship that adds value to the school experience by offering short-term education/non-education programs.

M Umer Toor said...

@ Abdur Rehman


M Umer Toor said...

@ Irfan

I just beg to differ:-)

Abdullah Bodla said...

If profit and brotherhood do not go together then profits will exist no more...
Without brotherhood, neither the business can work nor the Non Profit Organizations because profits are the product of integrity,ethics and trust which any successful firm or NPO promise to deliver to its stakeholders...
Brotherhood is only the simplest term that can substitute ...technical management terms...

farooq said...

your explanation is insightful