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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Strategic Network

Posted by Abdullah Bodla

In management, the importance of networks can never be underestimated.The subject "Manegement" actually emphasizes on building strategic networks.As a student of Business Strategy, I would suggest to devep a network where all the graduates of our batch will be connected... and remain connected after graduation share not only knowledge but also to provide new ways to explore future career opportunities by helping one another ..If at that time, an effective network is not created, then we are definitely at risk of losing future valuable assets.
An Online Network
I suggest there should be an online network with limited access......
Now,you will decide what kind of nework should be developed ?


faraz ahmad said...

good suggestion Abdullah, but i feel such networks die. i believe no special network needs to be developed. we just need to be connected to each other to help each other out in career prospects. by the way social networks like facebook are already there for us to remain connected.

Muhammad Abdul Rehman said...

@Abdullah A nice suggestion.

irfandaud said...

Abdullah .... Your suggestion is very nice....

Definitely will facilitate everyone :)

A blog like that will be good option.....

Hammad Saeed said...

Yup i agree.. if not blog den we can collectively construct a website especially for this purpose with a password acces.

Madiha M.S.R* said...

you must really start working from today on such a suggestion... God bless u

Joel Peter said...

I agree abdullah there must me such thing like you suggested.. But as Faraz said there is already social networking tools like facebook we can always stay connected through it... :)

Abdullah Bodla said...

@ Faraz and Joel

I am not talking about social networks. Of course we all are already connected to some sort of social network either through yahoo or facebook but the fact is that I want you people to view a broader picture not just block yourself in the box and expect some miracle to happen from nowhere.....

I am already a great proponent of social network but now it is the time to develop a strategic network which will make all of us reponsible and accountable to each of us for providing help and support in exploiting new opportunities,career development and personal growth.
I want to highlight the following features which will differentiate our NETWORK from informal social networks

*Our Network will be formal.

*Policies,procedures and criterias would be set to include new graduates and exclude inactive members.

*Mission, Vision and goals of the network would be available for guidance.

* It will not be at risk of collapse like we see in social networks due to difference of opinion.

*It will be all purpose oriented for the betterment and bright future of all graduates.

Abdullah Bodla said...

@ Hammad Saeed
Yess, we will have a website for our network inshallah. I appreciate your idea ....

Ebadullah Bhalli said...

Good suggestion Abdullah...that palteform must have special involvment of our faculty, So we can be guided by them after entering in our practical field

Abdullah Bodla said...

I agree with you brother, I am looking forward for positive response from our faculty.

farooq said...

very good suggestion that should be further processed
nice advice friend