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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Strategic Network-Can the magic Work?

Posted by Abdullah Bodla

In fact,I am not talking about the current networks that we currently have for entertainment and gossip purposes on yahoo,msn or facebook . I am endorsing for a reliable and authentic network for knowledge sharing and supportive activities which may last for decades. Of course, there are many practical limitations for developing such an effective network but with proactive, optimistic and supportive approach, we….I believe.. are going to make this magic work. I am so confident of it because the present diversity… which is so obvious ….provide us with tremendous opportunities to make this idea workable in three ways.
1-Our current business strategy class is the mixture of students from diverse educational, religion and geographical background. As we learnt that diversity is the key contributing factor to any organizational success so why should we not translate it ? No doubt, this network will not only provide insight about different markets but also open new prospects for future career paths for many graduates.
2-During four years in the campus, some of the students have severely felt the need of an effective business forum to address the needs of effective communication and knowledge sharing programs .Being proactive and responsible students, we can help us own without institutional support by developing a network which will provide a platform for us to discuss different business concepts, ideas and strategies that will not only help us in pursuing future goals but also make us feel proud to be remembered as the trend setters for promoting CANDOR in the campus for the rest of the university students.
3-At this time our Business Strategy class has students specialization in marketing, operations management and accounting and finance . For a moment, just look beyond five to ten years, when most of the graduates will be working at top positions in these functional departments in some reputed firms. If at that time, they are connected through network, then the relationship management –(another advantage of the network) will provide the following benefits :
-It will result in efficient supply chain management ,
-Outsourcing will become relatively cheaper ,
-Portfolio management will become trouble-free and
-Human resource management will become simple. Consulting services will be available perhaps free of cost.
Now I leave this idea to you for comments and suggestions for practical implementation of this idea……